Thursday, February 6, 2014

Attempting to be 'Artsy'

Hello. This is me. When I take pictures with the Nikon D5000, I think that I am a professional photographer. So here are some pictures that I think are 'artsy'. (All thanks to the camera.)

My room at Бабушка Галя's house
Bridge across the Neva River
Подезд #1
Подезд #2
Rose engraving on a building in St. Petersburg
Blue and gold chandelier in the Winter Palace
Crystal chandelier in the Winter Palace
Ornate vase at the Hermitage

Sculpture of a man pouring wine

Inside Spas na Krovi Cathedral
Starry sky ceiling inside Spas na Krovi Cathedral
Roof corner of Spas na Krovi Cathedral

Marble column adorned with flowers

PS. Many of these photos were used in previous posts, but I like them so much that I decided to re-use them. Hope you enjoyed!