Monday, January 27, 2014

Enough with the food!

The most frequent topic I get asked about is food.
       "Do you have enough food?"
       "Do you need any more food?"
       "Are you still hungry?"
       "That's all you're going to eat?"
       "Do you have enough food at home?"
       "Are you sure you don't want any more food?"
       "How about some more food?"
       "What do you eat at home?"
       "Are you positive you don't need any more food?"

Apparently I seem like the kind of person who can't take care of herself when it comes to food, and I need to be questioned about every aspect. 

So to set everything straight from this moment on: 
       YES, I have enough food (thank you). 
       (and if I don't, I'll go get some and cook it myself, no problem)

For all the skeptics who still won't be satisfied and will keep repeatedly asking me, here's some proof:

Red currants, which looked stunningly delicious, but turned out to be disappointingly sour and not ripe. Pretty though!

Quail eggs, which Lilia says contain less cholesterol than regular eggs...

…and turns out they're also much, much smaller than regular eggs.

Finally, can you believe it? I can cook! Here's my favorite meal, which I prepared myself
         Scrambled (quail, this time) eggs with spinach (salad mix with carrot and beet slivers) and buttered toast for satiety. 

So YES - I'm good on food. No more questions, please. :P

(P.S. I am still an evolving writer, so my voice is not quite clear yet. Just to straighten things up - this was a sarcastic/joking post. I appreciate wholeheartedly everyone who cares so much about me and makes me delicious food, and always enjoy everything I am offered.)


  1. Very entertaining, please keep sharing your Russia's experience and don't mess with your food :)

  2. Очень понравилось. Хорошее точное наблюдение. Даже сейчас по прошествии стольких лет, я вспоминаю то ужасное чувство, которое тебя охватывает, когда надо объяснять опять почему ты не голодный. А они все ведь готовили целый день столько вкуснятенств. И только тебя и ждали!!! ....... Выход- всегда соглашайся/ предлагай ЧАЙ!!! Perfect way out!!! Спасение на некоторое время от борщей и котлет, а с другой стороны - уважительное времяпрепровождение в приятной беседе о чем- то или даже не о чем! Да здравствует ЧАЙ!!!

    1. полностью согласна, хотя очень часто к этом невинному чаю приносят колбаску, сыр, борщ и все то, что готовилось за день до :) Так что острожненько!
